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Medication-Assisted Treatment Program

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Addiction is a growing public health crisis that affects both rural and urban Americans. While there are many proven evidence-based therapeutic approaches to addiction treatment, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is one of the most critical. For many with a substance use disorder, the early stages of recovery carry the greatest risk of relapse. With the use of FDA-approved medication, the symptoms of withdrawal and subsequent cravings can be mitigated.

For residents of Kentucky, Sterling Crossroads offers medication-assisted treatment in Mount Sterling. Our compassionate team of addiction treatment specialists believes that helping the individual helps the family and, by extension, the community. Call 888.991.1476 to learn more about our outpatient addiction treatment programs and medication-assisted treatment program.


Why Seek Medication-Assisted Treatment in Mount Sterling?

For many Americans and Kentuckians, the cycle of addiction can seemingly never be broken. The ups and downs of quitting and then relapsing can affect not only physical and mental health but also relationships and essential life obligations such as work or school. Medication-assisted treatment can help break the cycle of addiction.

How Does MAT Work?

MAT combines the use of medication with other services to effectively treat addiction. The medication component helps alleviate the physical symptoms of withdrawal and reduce cravings for drugs or alcohol. This allows individuals to better focus on their treatment and recovery without constantly being consumed by the overwhelming urge to seek out and use drugs or alcohol.

At Sterling Crossroads in Mount Sterling, KY, we offer FDA-approved medications such as Suboxone (buprenorphine) and Vivitrol (naltrexone). These medications work by blocking the effects of opioids or alcohol on the brain, making it less appealing to use these substances. With our compassionate care and support, we meet each individual where they are in their recovery journey and use evidence-based practices to guide their recovery.


Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment offers several advantages in the journey toward recovery from addiction. By integrating medication with additional therapies, MAT addresses the multifaceted nature of substance use disorders. Here are some key benefits:

  • Reduced withdrawal symptoms – MAT helps manage the physical symptoms of withdrawal, making it more manageable for individuals to transition away from substance use.
  • Decreased cravings – By alleviating cravings, MAT increases the likelihood of sustained recovery and reduces the risk of relapse.
  • Improved retention in treatment – Individuals undergoing MAT are often more likely to remain engaged in treatment programs, which is crucial for long-term recovery success.
  • Enhanced quality of life – With the reduction of withdrawal symptoms and cravings, individuals can focus on rebuilding their lives, improving their mental and emotional health, and restoring relationships with family and friends.
  • Accessibility and flexibility – MAT can often be more accessible than traditional abstinence-based programs, allowing for a tailored approach that fits the unique needs of each individual.
  • Supportive environment – MAT programs, like those at Sterling Crossroads, emphasize a supportive and compassionate treatment atmosphere where individuals feel understood and empowered in their recovery journey.

Across the United States, MAT is a cornerstone of addiction treatment. If you or a loved one is caught in the cycle of addiction, professional outpatient addiction treatment can help break that cycle.

Contact Sterling Crossroads in Mount Sterling, KY, Today

Substance use disorders affect not only those struggling with addiction but also their families and communities. At Sterling Crossroads, we are committed to helping individuals overcome addiction and pave the way for healed and healthy families and communities. If you or a loved one is seeking outpatient addiction treatment in Mount Sterling, KY, or the surrounding area, contact Sterling Crossroads online or call 888.991.1476. We can answer questions about our treatment programs and insurance verification or address any other concerns.