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Alcohol Addiction Treatment

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If you’re trapped in a cycle of alcohol use, it can feel impossible to set yourself free. Alcohol can slowly start to take over your life. If you find yourself drifting away from people and activities you love because of alcohol misuse, substance use disorder treatment can help.  

For many people with alcohol use disorder, the future feels hopeless. But if you take the first step, you’ll find that there’s a way out. If you’re ready to make a change, call Sterling Crossroads today at 888.991.1476 for alcohol addiction treatment. We’re here for your family—and yourself—on the road to recovery.  


Do I Need Rehab for Alcohol Use?  

Alcohol use is ingrained in modern culture. Drinking is a normal part of celebrations, events, and social gatherings. As a result, it can be difficult to tell if you have an alcohol use disorder.   

Only a qualified healthcare professional can give you a diagnosis. But if you notice these signs and symptoms in yourself, you may have an alcohol use disorder:  

  • Wanting to stop or reduce your drinking but being unable to  
  • Feeling strong cravings for alcohol  
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms like nausea, sweating, headaches, or shaking when you don’t drink (and then drinking to relieve those symptoms)  
  • Having problems in work, school, or relationships as a result of alcohol use  
  • Withdrawing from hobbies or other enjoyable activities to drink  
  • Spending a lot of time drinking or recovering from drinking  
  • Developing a tolerance, meaning you need more alcohol to achieve the same effect  

If you think you may have an alcohol use disorder, don’t attempt to stop on your own. Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous to your health and life. After finding help to quit drinking, though, the challenges don’t stop. Cravings and triggers can make it hard to maintain your sobriety without support. Sterling Crossroads offers evidence-based treatment that helps you and your family. 


Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Mount Sterling, KY 

The Sterling Crossroads team works closely with each of our patients, helping them explore the root causes of their addiction and find healthier ways to move forward. Our approach helps re-establish connections with family, control cravings, and rebuild a life you’re proud of.  

  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) – Even after withdrawal symptoms subside, cravings can continue to cause relapse. Our MAT services are designed to aid your early recovery with FDA-approved medications that reduce cravings and prevent withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Group therapy – Meeting others in recovery who are facing similar challenges helps you feel less alone and develop a strong support system. Group therapy also allows you to learn from others’ experiences and share your own insights.  
  • Individual counseling – Everyone’s path to recovery is different, which is why we offer evidence-based psychotherapy (talk therapy) sessions with our trained professionals. You’ll have the opportunity to explore any underlying issues that may contribute to your alcohol use disorder and develop coping strategies for maintaining sobriety. 
  • Parental assessments and classes – If you are a justice-involved person or have other legal obligations to meet, our Department of Corrections-approved assessments and classes can fulfill those requirements while also providing you with valuable tools for recovery.  
  • Life skills training – Getting back on your feet after struggling with addiction is not impossible, as much as it may seem so. Our life skills training teaches you practical skills to help manage stress, make healthy choices, and build a fulfilling life. 

You deserve help and support on the road to recovery. Sterling Crossroads is here for your family and you as you take the next steps toward a sober life.  

Call Sterling Crossroads for Alcohol Rehab Today 

We offer outpatient programming for alcohol addiction treatment so you can make strides in your recovery while still attending to your job, family, and other responsibilities. When you reach out, we can start building a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Don’t wait any longer; call us today at 888.991.1476 or contact us online for help with alcohol addiction treatment so you can start rebuilding a life you’re proud of.